Sunday, May 7, 2017

Week 33 - "The Tree of Life" - 4/24/2017

What a week it has been! I feel like it just flew bye with everything we had happen this week.
As you all already know Monday we had exciting Pday filled with Zombies and well really just Zombies. We were finally feed everyday is last week and I just love the member so so so much! The wards we cover are the best. One dinner to remember was with an older women on the ward. She feed us so much food I don't know how my stomach didn't burst! We were so full after that we just had to take a break for a few minutes and let our stomachs settle.
 Zone Conference was this Thursday and it was AMAZING! I love Zone conferences so much. I always feel so uplifted and edified after. We talked about avoiding and removing distractions and how the Tree of Life from Lehi's dream (1 Nephi 8) pertains to us. I love this quote from Boyd K. Packer: "You may think that Lehi's dream or vision has no special meaning for you, but it does. You are in it; all of us are in it... Lehi's dream or vision of the iron rod has in it everything a Latter-Day Saint needs to understand the test of life." There is so much symbolism in the story of the Tree of Life and it's directly related to us who live on the Earth today. We must always hold on to the iron rod (which is the word of God).
With Sister Deem being new to the area we have been trying to meet as many of the members as possible! And we have been pretty successful!
We have meet several families in the ward and we are building so many relationships it's great! We have shared with members our goals for the area and have invited them to help us find those living in the ward boundaries who are searching for something more in their life.
 Friday we have district meeting and this week our district leader asked us to help give the training! We got to teach our entire district about How to Begin Teaching (Preach My Gospel pg. 176). Which is something we use as missionaries to set up expectations and to get to know the people that we meet with. It was a really awesome opportunity to teach and learn from the other missionaries in the district.
Yesterday at church we go to speak in the Central 1st Ward! We picked our favorite talk from this past General Conference and I talked about goals! I love speaking in Sacrament meeting as a missionary. This was only the 2nd time I have spoken on my mission.
With serving in the deaf ward I have been asked to do serval things that have taken me out of my comfort zone. I am no means fluent in ASL but have had numerous opportunities where I have been able to interpret both singing to the deaf and speaking for the hearing. I don't know how I do it. It's truly through the gift of the spirit that I am able to do so. During the 2nd hour of church we have a class called Gospel Principals and yesterday was our day to teach. We made a PowerPoint with the help of our Ward Mission Leader and studied to lesson. I was able to teach the entire class, full of about 10 people, in American Sign Language. It was so awesome! I made a few mistakes and couldn't remember a couple words but they were all so patient and we did it! It was a really cool experience.
 Last night we went and visited with a family who just recently moved in the deaf ward. They are all hearing but the mom knows ASL and was just called a ward interpreter. We were visiting with them and their two daughters. We shared a scripture found in Alma 32:21 "And now as I said concerning faith- Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen but are true."
The mom said same thing that really stuck with me. She said that we have an imperfect knowledge but faith in a perfect plan. God has a plan for all of us. We  are living the Plan of Happiness and as we strive to follow Christ and do our best everyday we grow in our faith of the plan that God has for each one of us. I know this is true. I have studied and prayed to know for myself if it is true. I don't have a perfect knowledge but I do have Faith in Gods plan.
Love Sister McCammon

The Tree of Life

There is never a dull moment with Sister Deem. I Love her so much.

The Harnish boys, Leo and Calvin, are the cutest things ever!
We're just missing their baby sister Sadie.


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